Eli Bressler knew what to do. At just 15, He saved his mother Audrey's life.
Every year in America, over 420,000 people are victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
9 out of 10 victims die.
Learning CPR can double or triple survival rates.
Click here to apply for free CPR training supplies for the ILHR community action grant.
Grant ApplicationMost people think that learning CPR means going through classes to get certified. While this is one form of training, it is important to understand that CPR can be taught in just 5 minutes. Learning these easy steps can help save a life.
Become familiar with CPR so you will know what to do in a sudden cardiac arrest situation.
Put your skills to the test and practice with live, hands-on training sessions near you.
Utilize our resources to become CPR certified with formal classes and training courses.
The most important link in the chain of survival are bystanders. Would you know what to do if someone went down in front of you? Take a virtual tour through the situation and see if you can save a life.
Start SimulatorPick the category that is most applicable to you to find out how you can help spread the word about sudden cardiac arrest!
If you are able to dedicate some time to learning how to perform CPR effectively and safely, we suggest that you check out our calendar of upcoming training events. If your schedule is jam packed and you don't have time for classes, learn CPR in just 5 minutes or less!
Ready to learn all that you can about sudden cardiac arrest and resuscitation? Certification classes are available from the American Heart Association and the Red Cross. Don't have the time to sit through a class? Visit our collection of training videos and learn the basics in five minutes.
Illinois Heart Rescue has a network that provides support to recent survivors - get plugged in and meet others who have had a sudden cardiac arrest. Or help us train others - your story is inspirational and everyone needs to hear about the miracle of your survival.
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